Saturday 27 December 2014


Alice is a short film born one night in my attic. It is a narrative crafted by chance and deliberately left open, interjected with tangents of speech from my own imagination and the book I came across in the attic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Warning: contains Gibberish.

Please click here to watch Alice (otherwise known as Umpa say ya who ya who ya.)

Snow Angel Intervention

I passed a Hospice on the way home. 
Walked across the freshly laid snow
and left them a snow angel,
to see from their windows.
I traced my footsteps back,
leaving a single trail.

Friday 14 November 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Darkness Moves

Darkness Moves it does.

Watch the animation here.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Night in

Dad insisted on not watching TV.

Monday 3 November 2014

Seeing faces in Sugar

Waiting for my food to go down, I look around to see what I can do. 

mmm sugar lumps...

Stomach settled, time to leave.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Raw Animation Play

Thinking about colliding my work together and creating an abstract narrative, I made this raw kind of animation.

Click Here to watch.

Monday 27 October 2014


I've been practicing tangent-o-logy. 

Most recently I went on so many tangents that it all got very exciting, and then a bit overwhelming. Then, I followed some advice, take the bits you like and see how they look together. So I started to cross pollinate the ideas of text and images I've collected and made to make new ideas and meanings. These are a few of the results.

Monday 20 October 2014

The Golden Decision

Today I've been playing with hiding and revealing aspects of old photographs.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Leaf Soulmate

Eey by gum, my creature has found it's leafy soulmate.

Jazz Hands

Saturday 11 October 2014

Illusions in the Kitchen

Last Night I was invited to a party on the beach, however, my attention was elsewhere.
3 hours in the kitchen only broken by a burst upstairs for extra lighting, 355 photos of a mushroom later my friends knocked at the door I told them to go to the beach without me, I was too busy.

Sunday 21 September 2014

If you go down to the woods

PG rated Horror film

Exploring the track

Spontaneous exercise: Explore the bumpy track with eyes shut and bare feet

Initial experience: 
Quite fun and sensorial, going up down, around and around.
Imagined recommending it to friends.

A sudden change of terrain.
 I felt the sensation of falling into a hole.
My eyes opened, I saw I was in a hole.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Paper slips into a pile

I've been sorting paper until my leg went numb, the hours went small and my mind travelled through a nostalgic bubble of private memory investigation.

On my still travels I found old drawings, home made posters, dairy entries and little revelations I'd told  told only to paper.

1:20 16th september

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Curious Cat

Tag intervention in Wapping, London.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Drawing Drawings of the World

Near Grimaud Castle, France.

Saturday 23 August 2014

The Turquoise Waters of the Piazza

I see a brigde over turquoise waters in the Piazza of Ventimiglia. However it seems the waters have dried.
That wont stop me, I've travelled a long way for this. 

I will paddle anyway.


There is a strange creature living in the depths of these waters.

It has lungs.


A pentagonal spine.

and five eyes, one on each vertebrae:

He passes on wisedom to the messenger.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Search for the Pink Rabbit

Just over 5 years ago I heard news of a giant knitted pink bunny rabbit somewhere in the hills of Italy.

Just over 5 years later, this is what I found. Click here.

                                           don't Click here    
                                                                                                                 Click here

                      Click here

                                                                       Click here

Monday 18 August 2014

Drawing Italy

I wonder if I can draw the whole of Italy?