Tuesday 28 April 2015

Den Sized Warrior

Feeling forlorn, unsure and dejected. I didn't know what to do. Times like this call for a den.

The den no longer lives in my studio, there are only remnants of fabric. So I recreated a momentary man size den just for me.

Feeling much better now, I am rejuvenated.

Saturday 25 April 2015


I quite like the low fi illusion of this cloud leviating in space. Im wondering whether for the degree show I could levitate a few clouds in the space to create a slightly surreal effect of outdoors being indoors. Creating an inbetween feeling.

Monday 20 April 2015

The Electrical Fairy

I came back from holidays to find my studio space a bit disheveled and it appears someone has been busy testing everything electric. They've tested the studio kettle, printer (that doesn't print) and even my hair drier left over from a workshop. I know the electrical pass testing fairy has been since they've left some very official PASS stickers on them.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Rock sits in group exhibition

For a bring your own art exhibition, I added my white magical rock to the cocophony of art pieces. 26/03

Lady Bicolage

Thursday 9 April 2015

Hundini Thumb

Sunday 5 April 2015

Saturday 4 April 2015

Playing Nina Katchadourian

For a dress as an artist themed party I went as Nina Katchadourian. 

Wishes in the city

This tree is covered in ribbons, it reminds me of the wishing tree at Sancreed in Cornwall. This wishing tree is wegded  between two roads, a noisey place to rest and today the wind blows strong. But perhaps the unlikely setting is quite beautiful, in the city where the cars and pace can be hastey and loud but the simplicity of the ribbons on the tree suggest intention and hope, also perhaps an extended moment of peaceful prayer. Playful prayer? 

Bristol Wanderings

I didnt go there with a plan, though I actually did. But it didnt go not to plan or to plan, it was something else. Tom said "I have a note on my wall that says 'there's no such thing as wasting time, just spending it in a way you didn't intend to.'" I didnt make anything that day, instead I took the opportunity to learn some piano and saxaphone for free, chatted to a pair of people about cycling to bath and on this road I gave up my unplanned non plan and just wandered along singing Moon River from  Breakfast at Tiffanys. Eventually realising I was whimsically wandering into an notoriously dogdy area which I promptly wandered out of, after playing throw and catch with a group of strangers.

Object Colaborators

This week I ran a performance workshop called Object Collaborators. It was based around exploring different objects and creating stories about them. 

For the workshop I told everyone to bring two objects, one with a story and I led exercises using these objects and improvisation. We played warm up games using movement and creating stories with the idea of the yes and principle in Comedy Improvisation. I learnt about the yes and principle when I was part of the Comedy Improv troop Monkey Butler and it still influences my way of working today. It basically means if someone says something it is added to and not negated and through not knowing the end result but adding information, the story is built up. No worries. 

We explored creating stories using this idea, guessed the possible stories of the objects using their properties and played with embodying the objects whilst interacting with each other. The workshop led to making a collaborative film, everyone got involved and worked together well and we used the objects we had to thread together a story building it up bit by bit. The story became about a disgruntled tape measure that went through a transformative journey.

Walk out the door

One rainy day I was trying, note: trying and failing, to write my dissertation and researching Keri Smith. She said that her work is about getting people off the screens and into the outdoors, being true to her word I turned off the computer and took her book How to be an Explorer of the World on a walk. Practice as Research one may say.

My excursion was rich, sitting in the rain and wind making marks on the paper taking in and describe through my senses.


On a visit to Truro Health Park I noticed these signs (hard not to notice). there's something interesting about the obvious and shameless labelling. There were also signs saying NOW WASH YOUR HANDS.

Friday 3 April 2015

Home Improvements

Home made shelf: holds two hair ties